Spring Wonders

(Uit Cursus Engels)

Spring Wonders

The sky has never looked so blue
Never a breeze so sweet
Flowers burst forth in brilliant array
As Springtime comes to greet
The trees stand tall in their glory
Tender leaves cover limbs once bare
Yards filled with laughing children
Can you match the splendor there.

There is nothing quite as pleasant
As a walk in Springtime hours
The bees even harmonize with life
As they drift among the flowers
A golden rainbow after the storm
Beauty beyond compare
A taste of heaven here on earth
With green grass everywhere.
God softly whispers to us
As gentle rains caress
The countryside , with drops of life
In such pure tenderness.
And if you listen close enough
I'm sure that He'll impart
The freshness of Spring upon your soul
And a flower in your heart
~Copyright © Marilyn Ferguson 1987 Email~